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Customer stories

Innovation and good dialogue with our customers has been our bread and butter since 2001. Here we present some of those we’ve worked with.

  1. Lars Thore Hertzenberg, AFK

    Better user experience at the dentist

    Smart cards provide dental services in Akershus County with better work tools and increased security. The solution frees up a lot of time that can be used on patient care.

  2. Ingar Dahl i Direktoratet for e-Helse

    Big society savings with safe digitisation

    Through the digitisation of work processes and digital messaging, the healthcare sector together with private suppliers and the Directorate for e-Health has created better services for both healthcare professionals and Norway’s population, and triggered savings of several million kroner. Secure encryption of sensitive data has been one of the crucial elements of digitisation and message exchange.

  3. Security for our customers with SSL from Buypass

    It is a big advantage for Eika Gruppen that Buypass is a total supplier of SSL-certificates with good management capabilities. Being able to collect an almost unlimited number of domains and sub-domains in one certificate makes the job of managing and renewing across many services and websites much easier for us.

  4. Two persons in front of a building

    Secure patient information - across municipal borders

    The municipalities of Lillehammer, Øyer, Gausdal and Ringebu were the first to offer the safe and effective sharing of patient information across administrative borders. The result is a better and safer offer to residents, and now the solution is ready to be used by other municipalities.

  5. Future-proof identification

    The solution from Buypass has played an important role in order for us to create a high level of security combined with convenience for the staff at St. Olav’s Hospital.

  6. Gassco installation in Emden

    Secure gas transport from the Norwegian Continental Shelf

    With such high value flowing through the gas pipes daily, increased security is an important driver behind the implementation of smart card technology at Gassco.

  7. Short route from ordering to delivery of SSL certificates

    With SSL from Buypass, we are confident that our strict standards for security and certification requirements will be met. Also, it's a big bonus that from order to delivery is so quick, and that we can contact the issuer directly instead of going through a third party.

  8. People in line in front of a checkout

    Responsible gaming from A - Z

    Together with Norsk Tipping, Buypass has developed one of the world’s leading ID and payment solutions as the basis for a responsible gaming activity. Identificaiton is the keyword and personalisation is the future.

  9. Getting rid of paper

    The transition from paper-based to electronic messaging provides huge gains for NAV. Physicians, pharmacies and outpatient clinics drop paper and communicate electronically with the agency. Buypass provides secure identification and digital signing, which is a prerequisite for secure electronic messaging.

  10. Software Innovation logs on securely with smartphones

    Through innovative thinking and user focus, Software Innovation and Buypass ensure that neither user-friendliness nor security is compromised when employees log in - no matter where in the world they are. For Software Innovation, security and efficiency are especially important because their core business is about developing and selling solutions to streamline document management, case management and document control.

  11. Ahus hospital main entrance

    Close interaction between technology, processes and people

    Ahus is one of the most patient-oriented hospitals in the country. New work practices combined with modern and effective solutions give patients the best possible treatment, and staff a simpler working day. With the ID solution from Buypass, hospital employees have easy and secure access to buildings and computer systems, as well as digital signatures.