Safety and security for our customers with SSL from Buypass
Eika Gruppen is a financial association in Eika Alliansen, owned by 75 local banks in Norway. The group provides a complete platform for banking infrastructure including IT and payment services, as well as a wide range of financial products.

The banking and finance sector is by its nature an exposed one, and customer confidence is extremely important. Eika Gruppen have chosen to secure all its physical and online banks with SSL certificates from Buypass. By using EV SSL certificates that turn the address bar green, Eika Gruppen gives customers a clear signal at the entrance to the bank’s website that they have come to the right place and that the information the customer registers with the bank is encrypted. The ability to combine multidomain certificates and Wildcard has provided Eika Group with a cost-effective and flexible solution. Multiple top domains and an unlimited number of subdomains are collected into one SSL certificate to simply administration.
– For Eika Gruppen, one of Norway;’s leading banking groups, it’s all about safety and security for our customers. It’s a great advantage that Buypass is a major supplier of SSL certificates with good administrative capabilities. When we can gather an almost unlimited number of top and subdomains in one certificate, the job of managing and renewing across many services and websites is made much easier for us.
Thorbjørn Danielsen, Head of IT Operations, Eika Gruppen AS