This is Buypass |
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This is Buypass

With a long history of supplying digital ID and payment solutions, we provide a safer and simpler working day for both individuals and companies.


Buypass AS has a new owner. Read announcement about change of ownership

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Working for a safer digital life

Buypass was established in 2001, and has built up a unique environment of competence in the development of secure and user-friendly ID and payment solutions. Our solutions satisfy the strictest security requirements of private enterprise and government.

We provide a complete portfolio of services for identifying and encrypting information throughout the digital value chain. Buypass is also Norway's only issuer of internationally approved SSL certificates and certificates according to eIDAS and PSD2.

Contact information & map

Organisation number NO 983 163 327
Postal adress: PO box 4364 Nydalen, 0402 OSLO

Visit us in Oslo:
Gullhaug Torg 2D, 0484 OSLO  | Map

Visit us at Gjøvik:
Hans Mustads gate 31, 2821 Gjøvik  | Map

Tel + 47 22 70 13 00 | Contact us

Map showing where Buypass is located

Key financials

(NOK mill)20232022
EBITDA margin14%13%
EBIT margin11%10%

Please contact us!

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