eSeal- and Enterprise certificate |
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eSeal- and Enterprise certificate

A company’s digital identity

Authentication, encryption and signing - for secure message exchange, reporting and digital signatures including PDF signing. Our certificates meet national and international standards.

Our Enterprise Certificates

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    Secure reporting, signing and message exchange

    Standard certificates for authentication and encryption, as well as signing of digital messages.

    Messages to NAV, A-message, eResept, HELFO settlement etc. Authentication in Maskinporten, CertPub, Debt portal, Debt register, EHF invoice, SBL, Altinn, Finanstilsynet, DSOP etc. on behalf of the company.

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    PDF signing approved by Adobe (AATL)

    Certificates for signing PDF on behalf of the company, which safeguards the integrity and information about the document's origin.

    Provides a digital signature / electronic seal approved by Adobe for automatic verification (AATL).

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    eSeal Certificates (eIDAS)

    QC eSeal satisfies the requirements for qualified certificates in the eIDAS Regulation. Available with Elliptical Curve.

    Issued both as standard certificate and for PDF signing approved by Adobe (AATL). Also available for PSD2-requirements.

Certificates for reporting, signing and message exchange

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    Standard certificate

    550 EUR exls. VAT

    Order Renew


    Enterprice Certificate, NCP-level, Soft Token, SEID 2.0, 3072 bits RSA

    Buypass CA generates key
    Delivered digitally, including two certificates - one for authentication and encryption, and one for signing.

    Valid for 3 years

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    Standard certificate - customer generate key

    550 EUR exls. VAT

    Order Renew

    Enterprice Certificate, NCP-level, Soft Token, SEID 2.0, 3072 bits RSA
    or ECC/NIST P-256

    Customer generated key using CSR
    Delivered digitally - one certificate covering authentication, encryption and signing.

    Valid for 3 years

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    Test certificate - standard

    € 275 exls VAT.

    Order Test Certificate


    For internal testing only
    Delivered digitally
    Test certificate on smart card (Hard Token) can be delivered on request.

    Valid for 3 years

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    Standard QC eSeal

    675 EUR exls VAT

    Order Renew

    QC eSeal, QCP-level, Soft Token, SEID 2.0, 3072 bits RSA

    Buypass CA generates key
    Delivered digitally, including two certificates - one for authentication and encryption, and one for signing.

    Valid for 3 years

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    Standard QC eSeal, Customer generated key

    675 EUR exls VAT

    Order Renew

    QC eSeal, QCP-level, Soft Token, SEID 2.0, 3072 bits RSA
    or ECC/NIST P-256

    Customer generated key using own CSR
    Delivered digitally
    Only inlcude certificate for digital signing

    Valid for 3 years

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    Test certificate, QC eSeal

    € 338 exls VAT

    Order Test QC eSeal


    For internal testing only
    Delivered digitally (Soft Token)

    Valid for 3 years


Certificates for PDF-signing approved by Adobe (AATL)

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    Advanced Electronic Seal Certificate on Smartcard

    550 EUR exls VAT



    Order Renew


    Suitable for businesses with small volumes and basic requirements.

    Sets an Advanced Electronic Seal (AES).

    Sent by post, installed on smart card.

    Valid for 3 years.

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    Advanced Electronic Seal Qualified Certificate on HSM

    1500 EUR exls. VAT


    Order Renew


    Suitable for businesses with frequent needs/large volumes, which use their own HSM.

    Sets an Advanced Electronic Seal (AES) based on Qualified eSeal certificate (QC eSeal).

    Delivered electronically.

    Valid for 3 years

Which certificate do you need?

Which certificate you should choose depends on your area of ​​use, requirements for level of trust, and how you want to generate and secure the keys in the certificate.

All our certificates can be used across national borders in Europe, and are issued in accordance with SEID 2.0.

  • Do you need a certificate for exchanging digital messages, or access to exchange data with various registers etc. our standard certificates are usually the most suitable, and will handle authentication, encryption and signing.
  • If you need a PDF signing certificate on behalf of your business, this requires one of our PDF signing certificates approved by Adobe (AATL).
  • Depending on the requirements for security and trust level, you can choose a certificate where Buypass generates a key, or you can generate a key yourself, using your own CSR. For most applications, a certificate with keys generated from Buypass CA will be a good solution.

If you have special requirements in relation to PSD2 or other eIDAS requirements, we also deliver qualified eSegl certificates that cover these needs for both digital messages and PDF signing.

We issue to the following countries

Norway - Sweden - Denmark - Iceland
Finland - Lithuania - Estonia - Latvia

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