Buypass Access Solution - Workplace Secured in an Employee ID System |
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Buypass Access Solution

The workplace secured in one system

Solving the business need for secure access. Employees use one ID card for login and digital signing internally and to public services, as well as for physical access.

This is Buypass Access Solution

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    Secure login to networks and applications

    Employee ID with single sign-on and roaming in the local area network, including secure zones.

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    Login and digital signing for public services

    Employees can use their smart card for login and digital signing with public services, at the highest level of security.

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    Can be combined with access cards

    Use the smart card to control physical access to the workplace.

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Buypass Access Manager

The company’s tool for issuing and delivering ID cards to all local users.

Produce local area certificates, PKI certificates for public services, physical access control and other RFID services.

Issue, renew, block, and create loan cards.

Three doors with the middle one open

What our customers say

Innovation and close dialogue with our customers have been our bread and butter since our foundation in 2001.

Read more customer stories

  • Lars Thore R. Hertzenberg, System og sikkerhetsansvarlig i Akershus fylkeskommunale tannhelsetjeneste

    “We wanted a solution that matched together the opposite poles of user experience and security. This means that smart cards control all access and rights on everything from doors to IT tools.”

    Lars Thore R. Hertzenberg, System og sikkerhetsansvarlig i Akershus fylkeskommunale tannhelsetjeneste

    Read more

  • Securing patient information 
    - across municipalities

    The municipalities of Lillehammer, Øyer, Gausdal and Ringebu are the first in Norway to offer safe and effective patient information sharing across local government borders.

    Read more

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